
For this piece, I also took on a producing/facilitaing role working alongside Amy and Becca.

Procurement and Budgeting

When we first knew we’d be doing a piece about wires, it was a very daunting thought as we knew it would be incredibly expensive. Originally, we were looking to source them through donations from various groups (Manchester Student’s Group, Didsbury M20 etc.) and approaching scrapyards. I suggested we could look at using hosepipe for thicker cables as dressing as it could be cheaper as it’s plastic with no copper. Miraculously, Jake, Alicia and Abi were able to procure more than we imagined - Jake through various companies, Alicia through her dad as well as found wires in the Pamona wastelands when she was doing her shoot and Abi through work whilst they were doing renovations.

Our provisional budget was £140 but we also put in £10 each to expand it by £100.

I tried to keep costs as low as possible by shopping around - the MakeMore Store was a great resource for various things like paper and DVD discs, cheaper than other retailers. I tried to encourage our group to do so as much as possible and even went to the shops myself - at one point someone wanted to purchase head torches for about £6 each, but after going Poundland I was able to source some for £1 - marginal gains that would definitely add up as we got closer and closer to going overbudget.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments were for the most part Abi’s job but I contributed to it by converting Abi’s original risk assessment that they had used into another one following the university Tech team’s layout and matrix so they were freed up to do more rehearsing. Whilst it was a bit of an arduous process, I found it a lot quicker than it could potentially have been because Abi’s work on it was so extensive and well thought out. Having watched the play from the audience’s perspective a few times, I had a few more insights to add to Abi’s risk assessment and tacked on a point about making sure Jess who would be on stage knew what to do (by way of a St John’s Ambulance video) in the event that Maxx was to accidentally choke during the apple scene as it could be less disruptive to the play having her help him as it’s sometimes in their nature to co-operate as part of the piece. I added in another row about the risk of the apple being thrown (projectiles/objects thrown at velocity), appliances being PAT tested and a row relating to the risks the film crew that came in on the 16th could pose (as the risk assessment had not been updated to reflect this at that point).


As we weren’t in the piece and especially because myself and Becca didn’t spend as much time in the rehearsal space watching the process up close as we were doing other tasks, we were in a good position to give feedback. We were detached enough to not fully know what was going on and experience it fresh but also was close enough to the process to know what they were aiming to achieve so could feedback better on whether they were actually doing it.

6th April 2022

    • Sound – the bassy thrumming

    • I like Chris dragging/picking up the players and placing them in the space. Don’t laugh when being manoeuvred by Chris. Keep that serious.

    • The part where Jess and Max are trying to tug at the wires and get the audience involved to also help tug at the wires (tug-o-war) before ending with the hand holding good. Not entirely convinced by the music there though not going to lie. Especially not if there’s a glitch mid way through.

    • Music during the water drinking I think was a lot more natural than the piano bit. Perhaps if it was a bit longer or made in a way it could naturally loop a bit better would be good.

    • Love the bit with Maxx strangling Jess with the wires.

    • I actually REALLY like Abi in the back, almost forgotten about. I don’t know if we missed a lot of the start but is this part of the consequence. Part of the set now, like the corpses we’ll have as part of the scenery.

    • I do like the idea of maybe leaving some blocks blank so they can play with levels – we’ll see about incorporating things like that into the set.

    • Back wall – definitely cover up the blue notice board bit (ACTION: SET)

    • Light in cupboard is quite distracting – can we turn that off by any chance? Same in corridor (or perhaps we cover that window bit up)

    • Move bin/stuff on side table (ACTION:SET)

    • Not sure if Jess drinking water on stage is going to be good as there will be multiple TVs in the space during the actual thing (therefore live electrical wires). Something to watch out for. Risk assessment.

    • So is Alicia in the space now? I’m not quite sure about that. Whilst the film aspect might benefit it’s a bit weird narrative wise because she’s not a player. What is her rank here? I think it takes away from it.

    • Alicia filming the audience – are people really going to be happy about that? Also, I think without prior consent it could be a GDPR thing.

    • I’d like to know what the rationale is here with the ocean sounds. I do think they’re nice but where’s the ocean in this world when we’ve portrayed this as a barren landscape for the most part.

    • What was going on with the sound when Max was doing the water bottle in the air thing? That was very unclean.

    • Be VERY wary with the running when you were all chasing Abi – those blocks will be TVs with wires. I am NOT incurring a fine on your behalf. Also – risk assessment would probably say don’t run. Maxx nearly kicked a TV at one point.

    • Be careful you don’t dislodge the wires that NEED to stay put (because they’re live) whilst retrieving thre one in the cage.

    • Flashing lights – make sure these is adequate warning for photosensitive audiences. The music is enough of an assault as it is.

    • Alicia – you were VERY MUCH obstructing the interaction with Max and Chris.

    • Why is Max so “afraid” yet does so willingly? Again – a bit more clearer cut consequences needed.

    • Also, I think it could be good to have the lighting during the strobe sequence to be brighter. If you wish to assault. Assault MORE. Music got choppy towards the end there.

    • Door needs to be covered behind Chris too -motion sensor.

    • You need to include Lorna in this more. Sub her out.

    • Why is the operator gone? Some KEY moments just feel so lost. What has the operator done for him to have technically “lost” or “failed”

  • V - If Alicia is going to move round, this will get tangled? And how far can she move? Funnily enough, when we discussed this earlier – she wasn’t meant to move. We can definitely get longer cables but this would 100% become risky because 1) tangled, 2) if the performers knock it loose they’ll disrupt the livestream 3) trip hazard

    ? - I don’t think Alicia should be in the space because I think it becomes very muddled and at times quite distracting (she obstructed the scene with Chris and Maxx when it’s VERY IMPORTATNT) so I think it’s better static cam but with zooming capabilities

    B - But when performers are facing away and audience cant see I think the images captured on camera will be nice

    B - So its an alternative for viewing too

    V - Touche? Could also just have multi cam feeds

    A(?) - We have to think about ethics

    V - BUT if they’re super committed to the idea of Alicia in the space, can work to make it better and less distracting or they have a very convincing argument, we could explore her just using her phone as a live feed camera – the biggest issue would probably be reliable internet connection (and having 50 subscribers)

    ? - I think a lot of things throughout aren’t clear enough/ big enough to become a moment, it needs to be clearer whats going on

    B - An idea is having like ‘gamer roles’, players animated/ digitised on the TVS or on screen outside or even paper things around the space. Not giving the task away but maybe something to make whats going on clearer

    V - I do think, this has had moments that are a million times better than last showing. Like 100x less flat than last time BUT some of it does almost feel a bit like filler.

    B - Ive lost it now – I think when Lorna was playing it ended for me

    ? - Lorna’s role in this seems to literally just be playing the clarinet? Which I thought was random but simultaneously I feel so bad suggesting we cut it when they’ve given her nothing else.

Of course, these were just our opinions - not demands. And some of the things we originally did not like (like the clarinet or Alicia in the space) ended up working more with the final iteration. It’s an important lesson to learn about how ideas that seem random and not very coherent can be made to work.

6th May 2022

(In this run, it’s just Val and Becca’s feedback as Amy had to cover Jess as she had work)

  • • A million times more watchable.

    • Lots of little events and big events.

    • Greater chemistry between the characters.

    • Reward and consequence is more fleshed out.

    • Sound design is beautiful.

    • Lorna looks fab in the booth.

    • Live feed camera looked great if I do say so myself (and I say so <3)

    • I quite like the fact Chris does the lighting for his own exit. Like the operator knows the inevitable and must do their task last one last time.

  • • Stupid films not bloody doing their thing.

    • Amy should NOT be chucking those wires and throwing them dwn like that – I literally saw an end hit one of the chairs. NOT risk assessment approved.

    • Less of a bad – more of a ? – what’s the symbolism of the apple in this? New life or something?

    • Maxx tripped on a live wire/ extension lead – move thought needs to be given with taping down extension leads in particular.


    • Microphone – not quite loud enough. I don’t think (nvm that was more just an issue for that one bit)

    • NOT Chris SMASHING that apple and FEEDING THE ANTS. On a less light note however, BIG TRIP HAZARD – slippery, smushed apple AND you’re moving in the dark.

    • Lorna’s role isn’t too clear but I do think a big part of that is the lack of costume (with the conductors baton/gloves etc etc I think it would be especially clearer).

    • Becca feels the roles aren’t clear enough. Again – costume is probably the main issue. To ME, the hierarchy seems like Lorna top, Chris is her stooge, then Alica and Jake are on the same pedestal beneath Chris and then lastly the players in black.

    • Lorna banging on the window needs to be louder if it can be because it is not audible down here

  • B - Think we might have to rethink set and where things are placed – esp the wire piles

    V - Yeah that’s deffo fair – I think it’ll be easier for us to do that now we’ve seen this run through because we sorta know where the hot spots are for activity. I do really like the cables underneath the seating though I must say. Brings them into the world rather than there being a “border” between the audience and the stage.

    Kevin discussed some possible changes including saying Chris and Jake shouldn’t be together. The below is the proposed change. Curtains need to be pushed backwards to expose walls (COMPLETED). We also have been advised to seat the audience on a platform too so people can see better. Audience capacity increased as middle no longer needs a gap.

 Team Meetings

As Production Manager, Amy tended to chair these meetings and set agendas but as producers we had a role in updating the group on our projects and I would occasionally do my own team briefings (in particular about the film crew coming in).

I would on occasion also take the minutes for these meetings for the more formal sit down ones.

  • Chairing: Amy

    Present: Valentina (Minutes), Chris, Jake, Abi, Alicia, Becca

    Apologies: Lorna, Max (illness)


    Pencil in Tuesday (it’s Owen’s group’s room, but may not need it). Will find out by Friday.

    Monday 9th – Set Dressing and Tech. Provided Owen’s group don’t need the space, we can leave it all as is.

    Wednesday 11th, 6:30PM – First Showing (1st & 2nd Years)

    13th May – Friends and Family Showing. Invite your mates, ADD IT TO THE GOOGLE DOC.

    16th May – Rehearsals based off of what we’ve gotten feedback off of on the 13th. Then performance (open to all who register).

    17th May is our official, graded performance as Lorna will not be there on 13th. Professional Showing!!!! @6PM

    18th & 19th May – Formative Tutorials with Jane

    20th May – LOGS DUE & CONFERENCE PAPER bleh

    23rd & 24th May – Jane’s Seminar


    10AM – 5PM for in person rehearsals every day. 5PM – 9PM for log books.

    10th May – 1-3, 11th 10:30 till 12:30 - ABI POSSIBLE ABSENCE (Driving Lessons) – Will try to get 11th May rescheduled.

    (ACTION: Amy to write up rehearsal schedule and TDLs.)

    i) Contingency Plans for Illness/Injury

    Max is supposed to be in tomorrow. If not – Alicia to fill in for Max and someone like Amy to fill in for Alicia.

    Abi – if their leg is still ?? – Should be fine?

    Becca needs to have a run where they actually rehearse as Lorna. Lorna’s role is now more fleshed out (conductor)

    This Friday Lorna and Becca to rehearse at the same time.

    2) FILMS

    ACTION (VAL): Rent out DVD player to test DVD burns.

    ACTION (BECCA): Send animation to be put onto USB.

    3) SET

    Becca will do some sketches to give a rough idea. Tuesday next week should be done. Everyone to chip in 2 or 3 “images” (drawings, text, sheet music etc.) by the 10th. Could be materials stuck together.


    About 75% done.

    5) COSTUME

    Jess and Alicia need to sort it out. Need to discuss it more.

    6) BUDGET

    £140 (provisional). May need contributions from all members (no more than £10). All receipts must be kept else no refund to be given. VAL in charge of keeping track.


    Maxx is meant to be doing it but is ill. We need to ask them for it regardless of the standard/level of completion because something is better than nothing at this stage.


    Films MUST be completed.

    9) AOB

    Poss get wine for professional showing (will need to be out of pocket expense)

Val Vettore: Filmmaker. Producer. TV Repairman?

A slightly unexpected part of my job was that I became a part time technician for the group mainly in regards to the televisions.

Firstly - setting them up. As old TVs, there was no space for USBs like with the flatscreens. To get videos playing, I sourced some DVD players to use and had to burn our films from MP4 files on a USB to the disc. These DVD players would be connected using RCA cables to the 4 inputs on the switcher, and from the switcher we’d have 4 RCA cables that used the TVs as outputs. During the run, we encountered problems with Alicia’s film which I had to determine the cause of which after testing the switcher, DVD players and discs - I realised it must be the wire itself. This was very jarring as it meant shifting all the heavy cables dressing the set, ripping up the tape and redoing it and it was simply not possible to be done by our first 6PM showing so Chris used the switcher to move the films about so all could be shown for that run and I did the works by the following day whilst they were on lunch break.

Potential issue number 2 arose with the inclusion of the live feed camera - the group were apparently told there were no live feed cameras available to book out and they seemed resigned to scrapping it - as I had experience with live streams following on from Val’s Haunted Discotheque I put myself forward to sorting it out. As we wanted to use CRTs there was an added challenge there as we couldn’t simply plug into a HDMI. I knew the camera needed a mini-HDMI so used that going into a HDMI. From there I got a HDMI to RCA adaptor (making sure HDMI was importantly the input and RCA the output). I had to make sure it was plugged in and made sure it was set to PAL (which is European) rather than NTSC (which is North American). From there it used a normal RCA cable from the adaptor to the TV.

We had initially only booked out 4 CRTs (one per film) and were going to use a bigger flatscreen but Alicia brought in a CRT she owned that she wasn’t sure if worked. I was able to get it working and we were excited to possibly use it - except it didn’t take RCA like the others but rather SCART. I wasn’t put off by this and we were able to source a RCA to SCART converter.

We had a showing with our project supervisor Kevin, who mentioned there were issues with visibility - and this could possibly be helped by having the live feed available on all screens via the switcher. Alicia decided she wanted to combine my two films onto one disc so we could free up space on the switcher for the live feed camera but I objected to that. In my mind, having the two playing back to back in a loop muddies the separate stories the films tell as they’re thematically very different and for an audience that isn’t going to be watching both fully for long, they simply wouldn’t get the intended meaning or experience.

I sought out a compromise that would mean I could keep my films separate but still have the live feed on a CRT whilst making it more visible. When looking for little adaptors for the yellow video cable for the CRTs, I had seen a larger TV in the store cupboard and contacted Jim from Studios and Galleries to see if it was functional. He said he’d get back to me after giving it a PAT test but if it was to pass he’d be happy for me to have it - which it did. Problem solved!




the company